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Together we can bridge the gap for many in our Community and see brighter futures ahead.

Your support is important. By sharing your talents and time, as well as financial contributions from those who can, together we will give our youth at risk, our vulnerable neighbors, and our community a chance at brighter futures. 

Please Contact Us if you would like to share your talents, sponsor an Impact Event,

sponsor a participant in need, or to learn more.

For examples of how your investment supports our programs,

please see information below.


To make a tax-deductible contribution online, please use the button below:

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

To donate by check, make checks out and send to:

Community Dividends Foundation

618 Center Point Way, Box 83324

Gaithersburg, MD 20878

We are glad you joined us!

Thank you for your interest and support!


We welcome and are grateful for your interest and support of Community Dividends' programs.

Even a few dollars will help purchase the items for college bound students, items for boxes for our homeless, assistance towards stable housing for our youth at risk, or even the cost of producing masks for our Mighty Mask Project.

For an idea of how your investment will aid our programs and Community:

$20 will provide a Finals Survival Kit to a college student

$25 will provide a student desk, built and placed in shelters and with at-risk youth

$25 will provide a Holiday Care Package of necessities for the homeless 

$50 will provide a Cold Weather Package for the homeless that includes a set long underwear

$125 will provide a Launch Pack to a college-bound student

$125-$350 will provide one month's rental supplement for an at-risk youth in the Stable Housing Program


$200-500 will provide monthly assistance for a family significantly impacted by COVID-19

$2,250-$3,250 will provide a full year's support for a participant in the Stable Housing Program

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